Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer of 2012

2012 is half over and, well, it's been a wild one so far. Still survivin' :) The future is very hard to forecast, I just found out the only writing class I was enrolled in for next semester got cancelled so I have to make big decisions about how to proceed, to either keep studying Art History and/or studio practices like painting and drawing, or take some time off which might be mandatory due to my financial status. HOWEVER, Last semester (Spring '12) was awesome! Learning Ethnography, which is writing about culture, was really up my alley. I am still working on my final project which is a artist book about Chicago's Ojibwe tribe language revitalization. I passed Literature Survey 2 (wrote a final essay on Woolf's "A Room of One's Own" and its contemporary application), Literature of Latin America (final essay on hybridity, one of my new favorite academic subjects), Cabinet of Curiousities (writing portfolio)and I have been doing a lot of exploration of visual arts and the Chicago museums and Cultural Center. I am also still writing poetry, webpages, and got a job editing a manuscript and am collaborating on a book that is a crime-fiction, suspense/drama, page-turner. I am working as a sales rep for a wine company and a server at a local restaurant so making time is my biggest obstacle. But, girl's gotta eat!